George Goodman BuskingThere’s no other way but to tell it like it is. It takes a tonne of time and effort to put this site together.
And it’s just me.
100% so far.
So, if you are enjoying and learning from the lessons that I’m supplying and would like to help me keep it all going, I kindly and humbly ask that you make a difference and make a contribution.
There are a number of different ways to help.

Donate Money

Obviously with time and effort comes costs. I sincerely appreciate any and all tips and gratuities. Let’s just say this is me leaving my guitar case open to passing travellers. The best way to contribute would be to make a one-time or monthly donation using secure PayPal transactions. Cash and checks are good too. I have set things up to make it easy to contribute. You can find all the information here – Tips and Gratuities

Private Lesson via Skype

One of the best things about putting these videos together is meeting a bunch of great like-minded people. I have been playing and teaching music for decades now (yikes) and have found that music is an amazing way to relieve stress from the day’s grind and learning music is a great way to keep the mind and body sharp.
If you are interested in sitting down together for a private lesson via Skype you can find that info here: Online Guitar and Harmonica Lessons with George.

Shop in George’s Rock Shop

I don’t stock guitars or harmonicas or any other gear, other than what I collect for myself. Instead, I have entered into affiliate agreements with some of the largest music retailers on the internet and am able to offer great deals if you are buying anything musical on the internet. These deals and personal recommendations are listed in George’s Rock Shop and ship worldwide. Affiliate agreements allow me to earn a portion of sales made through links I supply so if you purchase, say a harmonica, from Musicians Friend by way of the link in the Shop or by clicking on a banner ad, then a portion of the sale will go to my account. This cost is not passed on to you though. It’s born solely by the company as the cost of doing business. Everyone’s happy. You get a great harp at the best price, I earn a portion of the profits from the sale and the internet giant is fed and happy as well.

Sign up for Email Updates

When you sign up for email updates I’ll tell you when I’ve put up a new lesson so you can come to the site and spend some time learning a new song. Spending time on this site is beneficial for your playing and for the site for a number of reasons. Most having to do with search engine statistics and website ranking.
This is also where I pull requests from. So, if you have a song you’d like to see covered, sign-up and let me know.
Sign Up Here.


Join in the conversation by leaving a comment. Let me know what you think. Let me know what I can do better. I’m looking to put out the best instructional music videos on the internet and I need your input to help make that happen.

Signup for eBusk – Internet Strategies for Musicians eCourse

This free Internet Strategies for Musicians, delivered in daily emails, outlines the steps musicians can take to get their music online, in front of as many fans as possible and how to make money doing what you love. It covers all the steps involved in creating a professional musician’s website, generating traffic driving content including videos for YouTube, and monetizing that traffic. These lessons are all steps that I have personally undertaken in creating my own internet music business.
If not for yourself, if you know an aspiring musician looking to benefit from the internet, look here: eBusk – Internet Strategies for Musicians.

Give Me Some Social Media Love Please

Help get the word out that there are some great quality video lessons by this guy up in Canada showing how to play a bunch of classic songs on guitar and harmonica.
If you like what I’m doing, please Like it, +1 it, Thumbs Up it, Tweet it, Share it, Pin it, Spread it around. These actions don’t cost anything but certainly make a big difference to me and to others that are wanting to learn music and looking for good quality lessons.

I can’t do this without help. I’m going to do my damnedest in any case. But thanks for helping out.
Cheers, George

This Post Has 14 Comments

  1. Kevin

    Hi George
    just watched your guitar lesson on Dead Flowers . As a 62 year old leaner I found your lesson very helpful thanx
    Regards Kevin (Brisbane Australia)

  2. George

    Hi Keith,
    Yes, I believe there are great benefits to the harp and guitar lessons.
    There are lessons on music theory, rhythm, and the blues that apply to all instruments not just guitar and harmonica.

  3. keith

    Hi there George….as I am learning to play ukulele and basic slide guitar would there be any benefits in your harp and guitar lessons

  4. George

    Thanks Al.
    The Takamine model # is EG541SC.
    Cheers, George

  5. Al

    Hi George, thank you so much for taking all the time and effort to produce such great lessons.
    The tone from your Takamine guitar sounds great what is the model #

  6. James

    Hi George, Thank you so much for working out the saxophone solo to Sweet Virginia. I really appreciated it because I couldn’t find the sheet music for it anywhere. Not everyone is up to working it out by ear. Now I will be able to turn up at my son’s open mic night and join in! I would pay by card by I don’t want to join up to Paypal so I will risk sending a tenner in the post.

  7. Craig

    Hi George,

    I love your lessons and attitude. Refreshing and cool. I wonder if you’ve done the harp parts of ‘Miss You’ by the Rolling Stones.

    Take care


  8. George

    The song Harvest is in the key of D and uses a D harmonica. I typically use Hohner Special 20.

  9. Dillon

    Hey George, what harmonica should I buy for Neil Young harvest sound?

  10. Scott Culpepper

    Hey George, I just discovered you and your website. As a recently retired 64-year old, I certainly appreciate your banner slogan, “You’re never too old to rock & roll”, as I try to figure out what to do with this guitar I’m trying to learn to play. A lot of the songs you have video lessons on are right up my alley, and your lessons make it seem like it might even be possible for a neophyte like me to work my way through some of them. Great job, thanks for your efforts.

    Next stop: PayPal!

  11. George

    John, my friend, you rock.
    Thank you so much for your support.

  12. John Rogers

    Glad to see that you put this up!!!

    I was going to suggest this too!!

    I just made my “token” donation too. I will donate as my budget permits.

    Thanks for all the great lessons. I really liked the format of the “Cocaine” lesson. ( I will put my specific praises and comments with the lesson)

    I have not been to vocal on the website yet, but love, love, love what you are doing!!!!!

    Thanks again!!!!!


  13. George

    Kevin, you are a scholar and a gentleman.
    This one’s on you.

  14. Kevin

    Hi again George,
    I’m squirting off over to “donate” indeed I want to be among the 1st as I recall suggesting the donate button. You have brought much pleasure to many people so that should be recognised. Having said that I hope you’ll understand that my “donation” is just a “token” of my appreciation (your actual value is priceless lol he he he!)

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