You are currently viewing War – LOW RIDER – Harmonica Lesson

War – LOW RIDER – Harmonica Lesson

Low Rider – Lesson on Harmonica – Quick Facts

Released on ‘Why Can’t We Be Friends‘ in 1975
Harmonica played by Lee Oskar
The original line-up included Eric Burdon from The Animals fame who recorded two albums with the band before leaving in 1970.

Musical Instruments and Recording Setup

Harmonic Gear
Hohner Special 20 Diatonic HarmonicaDiatonic Harmonica - Lee Oskar
In this video, I am playing a Hohner Special Twenty in the key of C as well as a Lee Oskar major diatonic harmonica in the key of G. If you’re looking to purchase one, I ask you to support this website by clicking on the harmonicas above or by going to George’s Harp Shop. I have affiliate relationships established with the largest online music instrument retailers including Musician’s Friend which allows me to earn a portion of sales generated through this website. You still get the best price and service that Musician’s Friend provides and I get to continue to spread the music.

Harmonica Tabs

Low Rider music is property and copyright of its owners and provided for educational purposes and personal use only.
The following is my transcription of the harmonica parts of this awesome song.
C Harmonica
-3 -3 -3 -3 -3 4 -5 | 3 -3 4 -3 3 |
-3 -3 -3 -3 -3 4 -5 | 3 -3 4 -3 3 |
-2bb -2bb -2bb -2bb -2bb | -2bb -2bb -2bb -2bb -2bb |
-2bb 3

G Harmonica
5 5 5 5 5 -5 6 | 4 5 -5 5 4 |
5 5 5 5 5 -5 6 | 4 5 -5 5 4 |
-3b -3b -3b -3b -3b | -3b -3b -3b -3b -3b |
-3b 4

Video Transcription

Hi George here. Welcome to this video where I go over Lee Oskar’s classic harmonica riff from War’s Low Rider from the 1975 album, Why Can’t We Be Friends.
We can play this on a couple of different harmonicas so I’ll demonstrate and go through the tabs for both harmonicas.
In order to play along with the original recording, we can play this on two different harmonicas, a C harmonica and a G harmonica. Both harmonicas are going to require a bend. Let’s go through the C first and follow that up with the G harmonica.
See tabs above.

This Post Has 16 Comments

  1. George

    Hi Kurt. You’re very welcome. Good luck and have fun.

  2. kurt

    Hey George, thanks for all the harmonica tabs. Just started playing and your videos have helped me a bunch. Keep on keeping on.

  3. Steve Chering

    Any idea how I can get the backing track minus harp?

  4. George Goodman

    Hi, thanks for the input. The only difference I see in your suggestion and in my tabs is you substitute draw2 for blow3. These are the same note and can be played either way.
    draw2 = blow3 for all major diatonic harmonicas.

  5. velvethammer26

    yours tabs are a little bit off
    try draw 3 3 3 3 3 blow4 draw5
    draw2 draw3 blow4 draw3 draw2 for the begining

  6. velvethammer26


  7. velvethammer26

    prefer the first version…playing a hohner marine band c…not bad at all, I just need to rub some funk on it.

  8. George Goodman

    Shanty is a great tune and has been on my list to cover for a while. I should get to work on that. I’ll let you know.

  9. worldrecordboy

    How difficult is Shanty by Jonathon Edwards?

  10. Wellington Gasparin


  11. George Goodman

    Hi Wellington. Holes at either end of the harmonica are more difficult than in the middle. Don’t blow or draw too hard. Not alot of air is required to get the reeds vibrating. Also, make sure that you are breathing from your stomach and diaphragm instead of from your chest.
    Good luck and keep at it.
    Cheers, George

  12. Wellington Gasparin

    Great music! But draw the hole 2 is to difficult!
    Thanks George!

  13. George Goodman

    Right on Carl, you’re welcome.

  14. George Goodman

    Hiya Tony. Much appreciated

  15. tony fontane

    As usual, you are the Master Musician. Happy New Year George. I wish I had an ounce of your talent.

  16. carl cooper

    Many Thanks George, great video!

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