You are currently viewing Jethro Tull – LOCOMOTIVE BREATH – How to Play on Guitar and Harmonica

Jethro Tull – LOCOMOTIVE BREATH – How to Play on Guitar and Harmonica

Welcome to this video where I show how to play Locomotive Breath, by Jethro Tull from the 1971 album, Aqualung on guitar and harmonica.
I hope you enjoy. Please leave a comment.
Cheers, George

Video Transcription

Jethro Tull Locomotive Breath Lesson on Guitar and Harmonica
Hey, George from here. Welcome to this video where I show you how to play Locomotive Breath by Jethro Tull on guitar and harmonica.

Locomotive breath came out on the Aqualung album of 1971. The song was written by Ian Anderson, the band’s lead singer, flutist, song-writer, guitarist, multi-instrumentalist.
So let me give you a quick demonstration and then we’ll talk about it. 1 2 3 4 1…
Em G D Em
Em G D Em
OK, so that’s the very first part. That’s E minor, G, D, and back to E minor.
Then mute the strings with your little finger.
The rhythm starts on the ‘and’ of one. So if we count it, one, two, three, four, one, and. The ‘and’ is on the upstroke; and two and; G is on 3 – downstroke, D is on 4 – downstroke, and Em is on one. Then we have muted downstrokes; two, three, four, one.
& 2 & 3 4 1 In the shuffling madness
2 3 4
of the locomotive breath
2 3 4 1
comes the all time loser …
then we’re going to go to B7 which is here and we’re going to muffle it by laying it down and playing muted down strokes – 2, 3, 4, 1. and 2 and 3, D on 4, Em on 1.
Now we’re going to go into the chorus which brings us to G on the downstroke on 1, & 3 &, A on the downstroke on 1, & 3 &, and then we’re going to go to B7 and I’m going to hit the upstrokes on the off beats. So it’s 1 and and and and and 2 and 3, 4, 1.
So those are the chords we have for that. We have E minor to G to D to E minor. There’s the part where it goes to B7. And we have the chorus which is G, A, B7, D, E minor.
OK, so let’s take that and put the harmonica on it. We are in the key of E minor which is the relative minor to G major so I’m using a G harmonica. I’m playing a Hohner Special 20, a diatonic key of G is what you need.
So what we’ll do, I’ll go through the chords and we’ll just do this slowly and I will play the harmonica to the melody to give an idea of how the chords go with the lyrics and then we’ll wrap it up.
Alright, so that’s the whole form of the song. There’s three verses with choruses. There’s the flute solo in there. I do a harmonica solo like the melody bit I just showed you.
Staying on the theme of Locomotive Breath, I like to put a train sound, train whistle as the intro to the song.
Hopefully, you can use that, you can put that all together to create your own version of it. You can do different feels with it. You can make it more laid back or play it more on top of the beat. Play around with that and have some fun.
So thanks for watching the video. I hope you enjoyed it. Please leave a comment. Sign up for the mailing list at and I’ll send you lessons to your inbox.
Alright. So take it easy. See you next time. Cheers. Peace

Sheet Music

I found 2 great song books that include Locomotive Breath

Jethro Tull Guitar Anthology Sheet Music

Jethro Tull Guitar Anthology by Jethro Tull. Recorded Version (Guitar). Softcover. Guitar tablature. 176 pages. Published by Hal Leonard (HL.690693).

ISBN 063407959X. With guitar tablature. 9×12 inches.

Ian Anderson and crew have sold more than 60 million albums. Here are transcriptions of 19 of the finest from these British rock legends: Aqualung • Locomotive Breath • Bungle in the Jungle • Cross-Eyed Mary • Living in the Past • Minstrel in the Gallery • New Day Yesterday • Passion Play Edit #8 • Thick as a Brick • Too Old to Rock ‘N Roll (Too Young to Die) • The Whistler • and more.

Jethro Tull Aqualung Sheet Music

Aqualung by Jethro Tull. For guitar and voice. Hal Leonard Guitar Recorded Versions (Authentic note-for-note transcriptions). Hard Rock and Progressive Rock. Difficulty: medium. Guitar tablature songbook. Guitar tablature, standard notation, vocal melody, lyrics, chord names and guitar chord diagrams. 112 pages. Published by Hal Leonard (HL.690684).

ISBN 063407850X. With guitar tablature, standard notation, vocal melody, lyrics, chord names and guitar chord diagrams. Hard Rock and Progressive Rock. 9×12 inches.

With 11 songs from the classic 1971 album, plus 4 more from the 25th anniversary CD re-release. Titles include: Aqualung, Cross-Eyed Mary, Hymn #43, Locomotive Breath, My God, Wind Up and more.

Locomotive Breath Chords, Lyrics, and Harmonica Tabs

Locomotive Breath music and lyrics are property and copyright of their owners and provided for educational purposes and personal use only.
If you want the real thing, use the links above.
This is my rendition, transcription, envision of an all time awesome song.

Em G D Em
Em G D Em

Em G D Em
In the shuffling madness
-6 -6 7 -8 7 8 8

Em G D Em
Of the locomotive breath
-6 -6 -6 -6 7 -6 6 -6

Em G D Em
Runs the all-time loser
-6 -6 7 -8 9 8

Em G D B7
Headlong to his death.
8 8 9 8 8

B7 D Em
He feels the piston screaming
9 -10 9 8 -8 -8 8

Em G D Em
Steam breaking on his brow
9 8 -8 -8 -8 -8 7 -6

Em G D G A
Thank God, he stole the handle and
7 7 7 7 7 -8 -8

The train won’t stop going
7 -8 8 8 -10 -10 8 8

B7 D Em
No way to slow down.
-8 -8 8 -8 7 -6

Em G D Em
He sees his children jumping off
Em G D Em
At the stations one by one.
Em G D Em
His woman and his best friend
Em G D B7
In bed and having fun.
B7 D Em
He’s crawling down the corridor
Em G D Em
On his hands and knees
Em G D G A
Old Charlie stole the handle and
The train won’t stop going
B7 D Em
No way to slow down.

Em G D Em
He hears the silence howling
Em G D Em
Catches angels as they fall.
Em G D Em
And the all-time winner
Em G D B7
Has got him by the balls.
B7 D Em
He picks up Gideon’s Bible
Em G D Em
Open at page one
Em G D G A
God stole the handle and
The train won’t stop going
B7 D Em
No way to slow down.

JETHRO TULL lyrics are property and copyright of their owners.
“Locomotive Breath” lyrics provided for educational purposes and personal use only.

Harmonica – Hohner Special 20
Hohner Special 20 Harmonica - Key G
The Hohner Special 20 has been my harmonica of choice for a long time. They are just easy to play, easy to bend and sound great. They are excellent harmonicas for someone just starting out but are also played by pros in all types of venues worldwide.
From Hohner, “The Special 20 is the go-to harp for harmonica players of any style, including blues, country, folk, or rock. The Special 20 delivers the coveted Marine Band sound and offers the benefits of its plastic comb: it doesn’t absorb moisture so it won’t swell, shrink, or crack; it lasts longer and is more airtight than wood combs that can become swollen, twisted, and warped; airtight construction provides increased responsiveness; plastic provides comfort and it’s smoother on the lips, preventing chafing”.

Video Editing

Power Director Video Editing Software

I used CyberLink PowerDirector for editing the video. It works great for synching audio and video as well as adding text and transitions between scenes. And it’s fast, so you get quality videos without alot of time spent.
From, 12/27/2010, “CyberLink’s PowerDirector has all the speed and all the advanced features an enthusiast video editor could want. As the first consumer video editing software to support 64-bit Windows, PowerDirector is taking a lead in the field., December 7, 2010”.

Thanks for watching the video. Please leave a comment and let me know what you think.
If you have a specific request for a song, send it along and I’ll see what I can do.
Here’s to your musical success,

This Post Has 69 Comments

  1. Vincent Scambone

    you should do a harmonica only video becaus e i couldnt understand what to

  2. George

    Hey Andy,
    Yes, I use the same harmonica for Heart of Gold and this Jethro Tull song.
    Looking forward to meeting you.
    Cheers, George

  3. Andy Warneford

    Wicked man!!
    Is the G harmonica you use for this CCR song the same G Harp’ you use for
    Heart of Gold NY?
    I’m in Ukraine at the mo, but as soon as I get back to New Zealand I’m dead
    keen for lessons bro, you rock!! 🙂

  4. Pete McLeod

    You keep ‘swinging’ the rhythm – it is NOT swung .

  5. William Adrian

    Muito foda

  6. Brian

    Cheers George. Great adaption of the song (although v naughtylyrics…) great to see your strumming pattern (no that’s not a pun given the lyrics!!).

  7. bigcat72b

    Wow man, super nice. Thanks.

  8. bigcat72b

    Wow man, super nice. Thanks.

  9. bigcat72b

    Wow man, super nice. Thanks.

  10. Kenneth Smith

    I learned how to play the harmonica and sound good in less than 3 months with no hard sweat or tears. I was always fascinated by those that played the Harmonica… Guys, you should check out LENITO.COM it has really really good lessons. I learned so quick with their lessons. I heard about LENITO.COM on CNN and at my University in texas it’s great! Visit the website
    The teaching transcribes the news.
    The woman heads the list.

  11. Blaas123

    I’m always playing this at the after partys! All thanks to you! Thank you, really opend up my interest in guitar 🙂

  12. George Goodman

    Perfect. That’s what it’s all about.
    Thank you.

  13. KillerFlutejuice401

    Can you please post a Thick as a brick chord lesson?

  14. KillerFlutejuice401

    Great lesson, thank you George you’re an awesome teacher,
    I am having fun with this. :o)

  15. shigarututor

    Awesome job! Loved this! Thanks

  16. George Goodman

    Hi Niko. I’m glad that worked out for you.
    Cheers, George

  17. Niko Gibson

    very good. first time that everything is so clearly explained

  18. Audy2007

    thank you much, sir.

  19. George Goodman

    Right on. Thanks for the support

  20. peretotal

    Thanks, George.
    Your lesson was *very* nice, clear and I had great fun.


  21. ultrakool

    dude, you look like ian a. lol

  22. Blaas123

    You learned me to play guitar. Thank you so much 😀

  23. Juanako677

    Got it. Thanks a lot. That is by far the best transcription i’ve already seen.

  24. Juanako677

    [..YouTube..] @GeorgeGoodmanDotCom Got it. Thanks a lot. That is by far the best transcription i’ve already seen.

  25. George Goodman

    Click the link just below the video. That will take you to my website where you will find the tabs about halfway down the page with lyrics and chords.
    Cheers, George

  26. GeorgeGoodmanDotCom

    [..YouTube..] @Juanako677 Click the link just below the video. That will take you to my website where you will find the tabs about halfway down the page with lyrics and chords.
    Cheers, George

  27. Juanako677

    Hey George, could you please post the harmonica tabs?

  28. Juanako677

    [..YouTube..] Hey George, could you please post the harmonica tabs?

  29. George Goodman

    Hey, you’re welcome and thank you

  30. GeorgeGoodmanDotCom

    [..YouTube..] @liontarious1 Hey, you’re welcome and thank you

  31. GeorgeGoodmanDotCom

    [..YouTube..] @liontarious1 Hey, you’re welcome and thank you

  32. liontarious1

    Absolutely great….many thanks

  33. liontarious1

    [..YouTube..] Absolutely great….many thanks

  34. liontarious1

    [..YouTube..] Absolutely great….many thanks

  35. George Goodman

    That’s great. I’m glad it helped. Cheers, George

  36. GeorgeGoodmanDotCom

    [..YouTube..] @1BattleRattle That’s great. I’m glad it helped. Cheers, George

  37. GeorgeGoodmanDotCom

    [..YouTube..] @1BattleRattle That’s great. I’m glad it helped. Cheers, George

  38. 1BattleRattle

    Great vid. The strum pattern was/is EXTREMELY helpful. I can’t walk and chew gum at the same time…so I can really appreciate your talent.

  39. 1BattleRattle

    [..YouTube..] Great vid. The strum pattern was/is EXTREMELY helpful. I can’t walk and chew gum at the same time…so I can really appreciate your talent.

  40. 1BattleRattle

    [..YouTube..] Great vid. The strum pattern was/is EXTREMELY helpful. I can’t walk and chew gum at the same time…so I can really appreciate your talent.

  41. Blaas123

    Maybe Aqualung 🙂 That would be nice

  42. Blaas123

    [..YouTube..] @GeorgeGoodmanDotCom Maybe Aqualung 🙂 That would be nice

  43. Blaas123

    [..YouTube..] @GeorgeGoodmanDotCom Maybe Aqualung 🙂 That would be nice

  44. George Goodman

    Hey! It’s been my pleasure. Got something else you’d like to learn? Cheers, George

  45. GeorgeGoodmanDotCom

    [..YouTube..] @Blaas123 Hey! It’s been my pleasure. Got something else you’d like to learn? Cheers, George

  46. GeorgeGoodmanDotCom

    [..YouTube..] @Blaas123 Hey! It’s been my pleasure. Got something else you’d like to learn? Cheers, George

  47. Blaas123

    Thanks for teaching me my first song on guitar 🙂

  48. Blaas123

    [..YouTube..] Thanks for teaching me my first song on guitar 🙂

  49. connor dunckel

    good job man you even look like ian back in the day

  50. manbearpig937

    [..YouTube..] good job man you even look like ian back in the day

  51. manbearpig937

    [..YouTube..] good job man you even look like ian back in the day

  52. George

    You’re very welcome. Good to meet another Jethro Tull fan.

  53. russ

    awesome thanks

  54. 62rome

    you explain it better thanks george.

  55. 62rome

    [..YouTube..] you explain it better thanks george.

  56. 62rome

    [..YouTube..] you explain it better thanks george.

  57. momochii

    Keep posting stuff like this i really like it

  58. George Goodman

    Excellent. I think the chord diagrams are clearer and easier to follow.

  59. GeorgeGoodmanDotCom

    [..YouTube..] @belikewater001 Excellent. I think the chord diagrams are clearer and easier to follow.

  60. GeorgeGoodmanDotCom

    [..YouTube..] @belikewater001 Excellent. I think the chord diagrams are clearer and easier to follow.

  61. George Goodman

    Thank you

  62. gerry nesbitt

    Thanks George your a gent

  63. gerry1506

    [..YouTube..] Thanks George your a gent

  64. gerry1506

    [..YouTube..] Thanks George your a gent

  65. belikewater001

    [..YouTube..] You f***in’ rock, George…I’m digging your new and improved chord diagrams.

  66. belikewater001

    [..YouTube..] You f***in’ rock, George…I’m digging your new and improved chord diagrams.

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