You are currently viewing Blind Melon – CHANGE – How To Play On Guitar and Harmonica

Blind Melon – CHANGE – How To Play On Guitar and Harmonica

Change Chords, Lyrics, and Harmonica Tabs

Blind Melon – Change

-4 3 -3-4 4-3 3
4 5 -4 -5 -6 6 -5 5 6
I don’t feel the sun’s comin’ out today
It’s staying in, it’s gonna find another way.
As I sit here in this misery,
I don’t think I’ll ever, no lord, see the sun from here.
And oh as I fade away,
They’ll all look at me and say, and they’ll say,
“Hey look at him, I’ll never live that way.”
But that’s okay, they’re just afraid to change.
And when you feel your life ain’t worth living
You’ve got to stand up and take a look around you
Then a look way up to the sky.
And when your deepest thoughts are broken,
Keep on dreaming, boy, ’cause when you stop dreamin’ it’s time to die.
And as we all play parts of tomorrow,
Some ways we’ll work and other ways we’ll play.
But I know we can’t all stay here forever,
So I want to write my words on the face of today
…And then they’ll paint it
And oh as I fade away,
They’ll all look at me and say, they’ll say,
“Hey look at him and where he is these days.”
When life is hard, you have to change.
When life is hard, you have to change

Blind Melon lyrics are property and copyright of their owners.
“Change” lyrics provided for educational purposes and personal use only.

Harmonica – Hohner Special 20
Hohner Special 20 Harmonica - Key G
The Hohner Special 20 has been my harmonica of choice for a long time. They are just easy to play, easy to bend and sound great. They are excellent harmonicas for someone just starting out but are also played by pros in all types of venues worldwide. In the video, I’m playing a Hohner Special 20 in the key of D.
From Hohner, “The Special 20 is the go-to harp for harmonica players of any style, including blues, country, folk, or rock. The Special 20 delivers the coveted Marine Band sound and offers the benefits of its plastic comb: it doesn’t absorb moisture so it won’t swell, shrink, or crack; it lasts longer and is more airtight than wood combs that can become swollen, twisted, and warped; airtight construction provides increased responsiveness; plastic provides comfort and it’s smoother on the lips, preventing chafing”.

Video Editing

Power Director Video Editing Software

I used CyberLink PowerDirector for editing the video. It works great for synching audio and video as well as adding text and transitions between scenes. And it’s fast, so you get quality videos without alot of time spent.
From, 12/27/2010, “CyberLink’s PowerDirector has all the speed and all the advanced features an enthusiast video editor could want. As the first consumer video editing software to support 64-bit Windows, PowerDirector is taking a lead in the field., December 7, 2010”.

Video Transcription

Blind Melon Change Lesson on Guitar and Harmonica

Alright, hey George here. Welcome to this video.
That was the intro to Change by Blind Melon.
And that’s what I’m going to go over with you.
Ok, so let’s start off with the guitar.
Basically, we’re only dealing with three chords here.
We have A, G, and D and that’s the only three chords used in the song. We’ll put some extensions on them and we’ll do that now.
So with the A, downstroke the A on 1 and 3.
Then we’re going to do upstrokes and we’re going to play – we’re going to take the 4th finger, 3rd fret, 2nd string (which is Asus4). Then take that off back to normal A again, then we’re going to take our 3rd finger off so we’re just going to have the first and second finger (Asus2 or A add 9). Then put the 3rd finger back for A.
Those are all on the off beats. 1, 2, 3, 4 and and and and 4 and. Then it goes to G and follows the same rhythm pattern.
On the upstrokes for the G, we’re going to take our 4th finger and put it out on the 5th fret, 1st string (Gsus2 or G add 9). Then bring it back, then take it off (G6) and then put it back. Ok? So it helps for that big stretch if you put your thumb behind. Make sure you’re not wrapped around like this. If you keep your thumb behind you can make that stretch easier.
Then we’re going to go to D which gets a full bar with downstrokes on 1 and 3. To G. Back to A.
So let’s take that and go through that slowly.
Ok so if you can learn that then you can basically make your way through the rest of the song. It’s all only those three chords that are used in the song sometimes in a different order. I’ll show them on the website down below the video where I’ll have the chords with the lyrics as well as the harmonica tabs.
So let’s go through the harmonica. We’re in the key of A playing cross harp so I have a D harmonica. I’m using a Hohner Special 20. You can get one at George’s Harp Shop –
It starts off with a draw on 4 and bending it down a semi-tone and then bringing it back up and then blowing 3. Then it does a little run up to a draw 4. So that’s draw 4, blow 4, draw 3, blow 3 to a blow 4.
Let’s put this with the guitar so we can tell when the chords are changing.
Then we go to D, we’re going to blow 5. Then we’re going to do a little run up to draw 6. So it’s draw 4, 5, 6.
Blow 6, draw 5, blow 5, blow 6.
Ok, so I’ll put those down below with the lyrics and the chords.
So, I’ll just go through it once quickly.
Ok, so again, just the three chords with some extensions on them, the harmonica part – D harmonica – in the key of A and I’ll put the harmonica tabs, lyrics and chords on the website at
So work on that and hopefully put this all together and make your own version. It’s a great song.
So, that’s good for me. Good for you?
See you in the next video. If you enjoyed it please leave a comment.
Thanks for watching. Cheers, peace, see you next time.

Thanks for watching the video. Please leave a comment and let me know what you think.
If you have a specific request for a song, send it along and I’ll see what I can do.
Here’s to your musical success,

This Post Has 86 Comments

  1. Soviless99

    You can really spice up the song by watch shannon actually play it and
    watch the little things he does on the guitar. Like on the g he hammers on
    fingers one and two

  2. Michael Antic

    Love it! thanks George

  3. Alois Forkheart

    Thank you so much for teaching

  4. stevo katani

    great lesson george, easy to follow and sounds so good. gonna practise till my fingers are raw

  5. edwinmusic

    Congratulation George!!! Thank you very much!!!!!! Great tutorial!! thank youuuu!

  6. George Goodman

    Hiya Jawknee. You’re very welcome.
    Cheers, George

  7. Jawknee Rustle

    Nice feel, thank you for sharing! 

  8. George Goodman

    You’re welcome Ralph. Thank you.

  9. ralphreef

    Great video, thanks very much.

  10. George Goodman

    Right on Scott. You’re welcome

  11. Scott Anderson

    Great lesson! Thanks for helping us out.

  12. Papajankypot

    He can do it high, why can’t i?

  13. George Goodman

    Hi Man. I subscribed to your channel so we are connected. You can also find me on my website, georgegoodmancom.
    My dog howls along to Werewolves of London. I think I might have to put up a video of that.
    Good talking.

  14. Perro Verde

    As soon as I get this song right, I’m gonna record it with Ringo (That’s my dog) and send it to you…(damn… he sings much better than me.. great spirit on his throat, so genuine… when I discovered that he loved specially harmonica..! (and sometimes he sings when I play guitar too..).
    Anyway, I would really like to talk/write with I would really appreciate if you could add me to facebook or smthing (or tell me how to find you..this technology era is definitely not my era!!)
    Bye Man!

  15. Perro Verde

    Thank you very much for this video… it is really helping me to make this song a little more complete…. I bought myself a Harmonica years ago but never played it (I’m 21, argentina) and I always wanted to play at least a nice melody that sounds good, just so I can play with my dog (yeah, really… When I fool arround with the Harmonica, he just starts to sing, he LOVES it!!! =) And well.. I got his Paw tattooed on my chest, so thanks for helping me accomplish this…

  16. Stephen Cunningham

    Terrific video. I picked up the tune by ear on the harp but this has helped me really nail the right notes. Ever thought of harp tabbing other Melon songs, like Hell. Or maybe some Dead? I need help with the harp solo to Big Boss Man. Anyway, good on ya George! Thanks.

  17. George Goodman

    Hey. Clear and concise comment. I love it. Thanks for watching the video and sharing your thoughts. One of the goals for me with these videos is to get more people playing music whether it’s guitar, harmonica, or singing or whatever. So if this has motivated you to pick up a harmonica again, then that’s awesome.
    Cheers, George

  18. mikeycrabtree123

    good video. clear, and concise. I don’t play harp, even though i have kicked the idea around once or twice, and even have bought one or two that have eventually gotten lost. I think you have given me the motivation to go out and pick one up again and try it. this has always been one of my favorite songs to play, and to be able to couple it w/ the harp for once would be outstanding. thanks again for such a good video.

  19. pariah mountain


  20. George Goodman


  21. George Goodman

    It’s such a shame when immensely talented individuals die so early. Imagine what Hendrix would have recorded in the past 40 years

  22. isorosse

    That is why, dear George, I’m very grateful to you for teaching me how to play ‘change’. Really,
    Thanks a lot,

  23. isorosse

    I’m an Italian anarchist hard worker and a father of 38yo. I was young, loved life and played guitar in the wonderful 90s. Blind Melon were our favourite group and it was a schock when Hoon died and left his young daughter. We were scared to death. We felt as though we had been playing too near the fire. May be it is also thanks to Hoon that we did not make certain mistakes. While still being my favourite singer, Hoon manages to make me suffer from and love life any time I listen to his voice.

  24. wagz420

    just learnin the harp its hard rto hit the single notes

  25. George Goodman

    That’s great. I’m glad it helped.
    Best of luck with your music in 2012.
    Cheers, George

  26. GeorgeGoodmanDotCom

    [..YouTube..] @kontoast That’s great. I’m glad it helped.
    Best of luck with your music in 2012.
    Cheers, George

  27. kontoast

    You are so amazing
    Recently fell in love with playing this song, quite happy to have learned how to play it with the harmonica as well
    Thanks so much!

  28. kontoast

    [..YouTube..] You are so amazing
    Recently fell in love with playing this song, quite happy to have learned how to play it with the harmonica as well
    Thanks so much!

  29. wldw10

    I’m gonna try this again! I love the tune but all those stretches… I now know what they are. thanks man!

  30. wldw10

    [..YouTube..] I’m gonna try this again! I love the tune but all those stretches… I now know what they are. thanks man!

  31. wldw10

    [..YouTube..] I’m gonna try this again! I love the tune but all those stretches… I now know what they are. thanks man!

  32. George Goodman

    Right on. I hope it helped

  33. George Goodman

    You’re welcome, Helena

  34. TheJFKWahoo

    thanks alot ive been looking for a how to for this song for a while =)

  35. TheJFKWahoo

    [..YouTube..] thanks alot ive been looking for a how to for this song for a while =)

  36. HelenadeKoning

    Wow George, so well explained, thanks!

  37. HelenadeKoning

    [..YouTube..] Wow George, so well explained, thanks!

  38. HelenadeKoning

    [..YouTube..] Wow George, so well explained, thanks!

  39. George Goodman

    Thanks Man

  40. chmdfs1427

    only word for this is awesome

  41. chmdfs1427

    [..YouTube..] only word for this is awesome

  42. George Goodman

    @AshlessandAnt Thanks very much. Cheers, George

  43. GeorgeGoodmanDotCom

    [..YouTube..] @AshlessandAnt Thanks very much. Cheers, George

  44. AshlessandAnt

    good job

  45. George Goodman

    @rastablues1 Hey Lowell, the chord is adding an A to a G chord so I would call it Gadd9 or Gsus2.

  46. GeorgeGoodmanDotCom

    [..YouTube..] @rastablues1 Hey Lowell, the chord is adding an A to a G chord so I would call it Gadd9 or Gsus2.

  47. GeorgeGoodmanDotCom

    [..YouTube..] @rastablues1 Hey Lowell, the chord is adding an A to a G chord so I would call it Gadd9 or Gsus2.

  48. rastablues1

    [..YouTube..] George …is there a name for that “pinky-stretch-G-chord”?


  49. rastablues1

    [..YouTube..] George …is there a name for that “pinky-stretch-G-chord”?


  50. SilverandGoldNow

    Thank you for sharing. LIKE

  51. madmanabc9

    almost forgot how to play that song haha nice man

  52. madmanabc9

    [..YouTube..] almost forgot how to play that song haha nice man

  53. madmanabc9

    [..YouTube..] almost forgot how to play that song haha nice man

  54. madmanabc9

    [..YouTube..] almost forgot how to play that song haha nice man

  55. Gabriel Sagatun

    I love your style man! Keep bringing tunes like this.

  56. Sagatun333

    [..YouTube..] I love your style man!
    Keep bringing tunes like this.

  57. Sagatun333

    [..YouTube..] I love your style man!
    Keep bringing tunes like this.

  58. cjoey39

    [..YouTube..] Nice work George! I can dig it man! Cool! Joey Vaughan “World Blues Attack”

  59. cjoey39

    [..YouTube..] Nice work George! I can dig it man! Cool! Joey Vaughan “World Blues Attack”

  60. rastablues1

    [..YouTube..] Very nice, George.

  61. rastablues1

    [..YouTube..] Very nice, George.

  62. 1Axeman1

    Hey George, Want to thank you for your great profile comment! Thumbs-up on your “Blind Melon Change.” That’s entertainment! All my best, Jan

  63. 1Axeman1

    [..YouTube..] Hey George, Want to thank you for your great profile comment! Thumbs-up on your “Blind Melon Change.” That’s entertainment!
    All my best, Jan

  64. 1Axeman1

    [..YouTube..] Hey George, Want to thank you for your great profile comment! Thumbs-up on your “Blind Melon Change.” That’s entertainment!
    All my best, Jan

  65. Ashley Bell

    Thanks for the post George. No way my pinkie is going to reach the fifth fret, i think i must be deformed in some way. Never mind, working on it. See you later.

  66. belleray2

    [..YouTube..] Thanks for the post George. No way my pinkie is going to reach the fifth fret, i think i must be deformed in some way. Never mind, working on it.
    See you later.

  67. belleray2

    [..YouTube..] Thanks for the post George. No way my pinkie is going to reach the fifth fret, i think i must be deformed in some way. Never mind, working on it.
    See you later.

  68. Fr3derick

    [..YouTube..] Awesome!! Thanks for the share:)

    Grandma Mary

  69. Fr3derick

    [..YouTube..] Awesome!! Thanks for the share:)

    Grandma Mary

  70. Eryn

    go dad!

  71. George Goodman

    @theguitarman53 Alright, thanks. I’ll try to remember that.

  72. GeorgeGoodmanDotCom

    [..YouTube..] @theguitarman53 Alright, thanks. I’ll try to remember that.

  73. GeorgeGoodmanDotCom

    [..YouTube..] @theguitarman53 Alright, thanks. I’ll try to remember that.

  74. theguitarman53

    hey dude, you got a refreshing style and its good to keep the humour. here’s a thought for you. man plays guitar and harmonica, he’s a genius. put a drum on his back and he’s a nut.

  75. theguitarman53

    [..YouTube..] hey dude, you got a refreshing style and its good to keep the humour. here’s a thought for you. man plays guitar and harmonica, he’s a genius. put a drum on his back and he’s a nut.

  76. theguitarman53

    [..YouTube..] hey dude, you got a refreshing style and its good to keep the humour. here’s a thought for you.  man plays guitar and harmonica, he’s a genius. put a drum on his back and he’s a nut.

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